Wade Randall

Profile Updated: December 12, 2008
Residing In: Ferndale, WA
Spouse/Partner: Rae
Occupation: Branch Manager - Construction Rental Equipment
Children: Three - Two Girls, and One Boy


I still have the same hair style, just a little longer :0)

Traveled, but just couldn't leave old Ferndale. Married for 16 years, I have the three greatest kids in the world. I finally have done something right.

School Story:

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Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 9:00 PM
Myself, my wife Rae, (right of me) my oldest Haley, feel better DD, my son Kole is below me, (my youngest)Sydney, sitting below my wife.
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 9:00 PM
07 winter 4 wheelin with the wife
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 9:00 PM
Still having fun in Ferndale. Family 4 wheeling, and pulling sleds.
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 9:00 PM
Fishing in Canada with the family. This is a yearly family trip, lots of fun.
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 9:00 PM
10.4 lb rainbow trout, ye haa, I won the adult derby, my oldest daughter Haley won the kids derby with a 6lb der!
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 9:00 PM
The sunset from the boat with my son, on the last day.